the unsent project





i miss my love gang. i was living in ok since august 13 and i had met a boy. he was soooo different gang, this boy had morals, beliefs, values, and he stood by them. he unfortunately got out of a bad relationship before me. and he wass hurt. he almost didnt want to let me in. but eventually he did let me in. he seen something in me. i dont know what. because i will never most likely talk or see him again. it makes me sad. i like to believe he was sent from god. from all the coindenices and the experiences i had with him. but also his character. gang, i am so grateful to had met him, to love him, to be his love, even if it was for such a small amount of time. i know the ability to love and the ability to be loved like how i was is such a gift, such an opportunity, and it something i trully hold close to my heart. but since coming back home to sd. i see and rememeber how i can not find anyone like him. no one is like him. well duh because he is his own person lol but i mean like. his character. the beliefs, the morals, the values, the insight, the emotional itelligence, the authenticity, the genuilness. no one around here ive crossed paths with has that. i know i only have a few more years here and now will not be forever. and i will find someone else one day. but i am so torn. i want to be loved like that again. i miss my love. but i know i will never have him back. so i am searcing for someone that can replace him ig? is that bad? not replace who he is as a person. but that love and feeling i had with him.but like i know i will not find that around my home. i dont understand why no one wants real love anymore. it ffeels like hes the only boy i will ever meet that wants real love. thats seen me for me. but he got taken out of my life. i know god does everything for a reason. something i dont know yet. maybe in time ill get a new love from god. but if i dont. i will forever be stuck on my last love. i dont know why god put him in my life, with all the circumstances that had to be fought by both of us that wouldve just made it easy to not continue on with a realtionship, to just take him out, for literally forever. im trying to stay positive and just look at what lessons he taught me, and just all the positive that i had with him in our short time. but it is hard 2 because it hurts my heart. hes everything ive ever wanted. and god took him away. for a reason i dont know. i wish god xould tell me. i wish i knew why. i wish i knew gods plan. i miss my love gang. it feels like he will forever be in my mind, body, and soul. i wish god would just take him out of my mind for i nolonger feel my heart just break. gang why do u think god took him out? please gnag be blunt, so honest, with me. tell me everything u think.
p.s. zechariah 10 nlt





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