the unsent project

#unsentproject… #2889

15 thoughts on “#unsentproject… #2889”

  1. I would like to think this is to me but the site hasnt been up since so it can’t be, it’s nearing a year and I know no body can replace you in my eyes even if you have found a replacement already

  2. I understand this but you should never look for someone to replace anyone. This is a toxic way to look for new love that will always end in disappointment. Let go and heal from your previous love and only them look for what you want in new people completely unrelated to the last one. And never to replace anyone. You wont find love with that mindset

  3. That thougt is exactly what has to go, and a golden opportunity to do it and grow and find what you’re searching for: Kids look for a way to replace their broken toys, grownups go for the next chapter to see what the book has in store for them (and it can even be with someone from your past, you know what I meant). You can do it, trust a stranger on the internet.. 💖💪🏼


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